It isn’t often that we get to see for ourselves the lavish lifestyles of our rich and famous politicians, given the high security walls that they build around themselves. Though, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati has, of course, been quite open when it comes to wasting state resources on building numerous fanciful statues for herself. Obviously, the pigeons and crows who shit on those statues each day, give Mayawati quite a distinguished look, which she thoroughly deserves.
In an exclusive interview to the Aam Aadmi Times, Maya, got candid, and clarified many accusations made against her in recent times, including the exposure given to her sandals by WikiLeaks. Oh by the way, we call her Maya as she was adamant we call her by that name (Sources in her political party, BSP say "she always wanted to be the dream girl of Shahrukh Khan in the movie 'Dil Toh Pagal Hai'" !! )
Looking, not surprisingly, ‘stung’ by confidential US diplomatic cables which painted an unflattering picture of her, chief minister Mayawati chose to hit out at WikiLeaks and called its "owner" - Julian Assange - a madman who should be locked up in an asylum.
She went on to add “I don’t even wear Sandals... This is totally false, ridiculous and outrageous. All my life, I have always stuck to ‘Hawaai Chappals’, and not Sandals”. When asked if the private jet had ‘Hawaai Chappals’ , she said “Yes, obviously! Hawaai Chappal toh ‘Hawaai Jahaaj’ se hie aaenge naa, gaadi se thodi aaenge”.
She also claimed Assange was anti-dalit, since as per her dalits do not wear sandals. “Hum dalit sirf hawaai chappal pehente hai, sandals toh general category ke liye hota hai”.
Assange, responding to Maya, in a late night exclusive to Aam Aadmi Times said “she is welcome to send her private jet to England to collect me, where I have been detained against my will, under house arrest, for the last 272 days. I would be happy to accept asylum, political asylum, in India -- a nation I love. In return, I will bring Maya a range of the finest British footwear."
Maya, accepted the request of Assange to send a private jet to pick him up, but with the condition that the footwear he brings from England, should be of the same brand as her hawaai chappals. Later she was seen dancing wearing her favorite footwear on the popular hindi song from SRK’s latest flick – ‘You are my Chappal-Challo’.
Indeed, Maya has arrived! ‘Chappal Phaad Ke’.
Sid Mehta
Dubai, UAE
Mayawati, Sandals, Assange, WikiLeaks, Political Crap, India, The Great Indian Nightmare
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