Movie: Dhobi Ghat (Mumbai Diaries), Hindi - 2011
Prateik Babbar, Monica Dogra, Kriti Malhotra, Aamir Khan
Director - Kiran Rao
Aamir Khan Productions
Rating - 'unrated'
I am confused. And that is the exact reason for not rating this movie. I am not sure if I liked it, or if I hated it. Precisely because of this confusion, I thought, the movie surely deserved a review/post on my blog. I leave it to the viewers of the movie to give their own personal rating/assessment of the movie, as I am sure there would be a plenty on both sides. (Do leave your assessment on the comments section)
I went to watch this movie with an expectation of not being entertained. I was correct. I was not entertained. (Obviously, I did hope that the movie would surprise me, and there would be moments which will entertain, but that wasn't the case...)
I wanted to see this movie for the love I have for the city of Bombay, and for its people. The love has only increased further after watching the movie.
I went to see the movie with an expectation of some incredible performances by the lead actors. Well, if not incredible, the performances were ranging from good to great.
I went with the hope of being witness to a gripping story. Alright now here comes the surprise; there was no story. This is where the movie disappoints the most. Kiran Rao proves to be a promising director with some great talent, but disappoints as a story teller. The movie starts abruptly, and ends even more abruptly. As a viewer, I felt as if I began to watch a movie which has already run for 20-30 minutes, therefore from somewhere in between. And when a story actually starts to develop, the movie ends!. The movie does not give a chance to the story to grow on the audience.
I would put this movie into a category of experiential cinema. Do not confuse this to something like experiential marketing, which is about engaging consumers by reaching out to their senses. Kiran, has created on cinema, what she has experienced about the city of Bombay. The moments, people, and places in Bombay which has touched her senses, is what she has presented on screen. Nothing wrong in that, but as mentioned, it is the story telling skill which has faltered. I do not see the movie getting a connect even with the audience in Bombay, not because the characters in the movie are unreal; the characters are very much real, but more so because when the connection could have been made, the movie ends.
In terms of performances, Prateik steals the show. There is an ease in the way he acts, and makes him quite a natural actor. The movie pretty much revolves around him and the character 'Shai' played by Monica Dogra. Even she has performed well doing justice to the NRI- Investment Banker/Photographer role. Kriti Malhotra, has more to do behind the camera than in front of it. You will know what I mean, if you have seen the movie, or when you watch it. Having said so, it was her story towards the end which brings about a change in the otherwise plain vanilla storyline. Aamir Khan, as always performs great, but really does not have much to do. Though, kudos to him for being a part of the movie as an actor as well, where much focus is on the other actors, leave aside the scope for acting....
There is no denying the fact that 'Bombay' is the 5th character of the movie. The city has been shown as a witness to whatever is happening in the characters lives. If you delve into the story and the idea a little deep, you would notice, that Kiran has put the 'old mute lady' in the storyline as a metaphor for the city.
Towards the end, I would just say, that the movie makes me numb. I do not feel anything, but the movie still makes me think. I guess it does that because it ends abruptly the moment when I was getting to connect with the characters.
Do post in your comments.
Sidharth Mehta
Dubai, UAE
Key Tags - Dhobi Ghat, Dhobi Ghat Review, Dhobi Ghat Movie Review, Dhobi Ghat Aamir Khan, Dhobi Ghat Kiran Rao, Dhobi Ghat Prateik Babbar, Dhobi Ghat Prateek, Monica Dogra, Kriti Malhotra, Dhobi Ghat Times of India Movie Review, Dhobi Ghat Hindustan Times Review, Mayank Shankar Dhobi Ghat, Dhobi Ghat Rediff Review, Raja Sen, Dhobi Ghat Movie, Sidharth Mehta, Sid Mehta, Siddharth Mehta, Bollywood Movie Reviews, Infinity Business School Alumni, Identity Crysys, Identity Crisis, Full Start, Sidharth Mehta Blog, Siddharth Mehta Blog, Sid Mehta Blog
thanks dude.....i wud call it let down by Aamir becos any how its Aami's movie ...even if its made by his wife i think at every moment of shooting it Aamir would have improvised it......so fault is always on Boy's front....girls dont do mistakes ;-)
I think i am not sure whether i like it or i dont...loved Aamir for his eyes and silence, Prateik has his mother's skills...but too many loose ends, questions unanswered...
Hi sid, i went for the special media screening of this movie ...
ReplyDeleteHere is a secret , all big critics were sayig pretty sad and nasty things about the movie..
I heard the reviews there itself..after it ended
, the next day whn i sawb newspapers, wesites, the same people gave the movie 4 stars and wrote essays on brilliance and wht not...
I think its like "if u like dhobhi ghat, u r intellectual else u r typical indian golmaal audience" and as amir said this film is not for everybody , ppl want to be that rare janta who liked it...
Without any camera man
Repoting live from bombay
RJ Palak
Thanks Palak, yup, I agree with what you say....
ReplyDeleteAnd in regards to the film critics, well, they wont make money if they do not do that! I anyways, do not go by film critic reviews.... the best is to read viewer reviews.... of the general public, on blogs such as mine.
Hi, I watch Bhobi Ghat more than 10 times to understand what is the concept of the movie and what they would like to present by this movie, it was an art movie my expectation was much higher as it was an Aamir khan so there will be some message for the people directly or indirectly, but this was totally different, I really would like to ask Kiran Rao to the reply me the real concept of this movie what does she want to show, about dhobi's, or middle class life, NIRs living in India, or any love story hidden behind. please reply my blog so i understand your thinking better and i appreciate.
ReplyDeleteplease i will be awaiting for your response.
Kaleem Mohammed - Uganda-East Africa.