First of all, apologies to all my regular blog readers, for my disappearance from the blogosphere in the last 3 months or so. I was kept busy between switching jobs, and a much needed holiday back home - India. I shall try my best in future to not make you all wait for so long! (Assuming, you wait for my posts ;o ).
My travels took me to Delhi and Jodhpur, with my friends and family in Dubai missing me for almost close to a month!. It was after 3 years that I stayed in Delhi for more than a week continuously, and honestly had a great time catching up with a lot of friends and family (Cant believe, I still managed to not meet a lot of them!!! Apologies...).
This trip turned out to be quite special, for the sheer reason, that I could meet few friends whom I had not met for as long as 6 years! Obviously, meeting with cousins and family as well made it really special, all the more as it was around the festival of Diwali. In my itinerary, I really wanted to add Bombay, as few very special people of my life live there..... regretfully, I just could not make it.
Other than meeting up with friends and family, one thing what I did the most was clicking photographs. Be it Jodhpur, or while travelling within Delhi, the Olympus was always with me. Many of my closest friends would agree when I say, that I have been passionate about photography since a very long time now, going back as much as 8-9 years. My grad college buddies used to tag me as 'the official photographer of the group', a title I was and will always be proud of! So, this time around, I took a further step, and actually went out just to click pictures, and trust me, going out and clicking just about anything is a different high altogether. It surely enhanced my skills too..... I am attaching few of the pictures here to this post, and would love it if you guys could leave your comments about them on the blog. If you do like them, please check many more on my photography page on Facebook - 'Shoot at Sight Photography' (Don't forget to 'like' the page)....
So this was all about the last 3 months..... There were a lot many issues/events which happened in the last 3 months, and I honestly regret not writing about them (like the 2G scam, Adarsh society, etc), but I am sure there would be plenty more issues which will keep alive on the blogosphere in future.
Take care,and stay safe!
Sidharth Mehta,
Dubai, UAE

Sidharth Mehta, Delhi, India, Sid Mehta Blog, Sid Mehta, Sid Mehta Dubai, Siddharth Mehta, Sidharth Mehta Jodhpur, New Delhi, Identity Crysys, Identity Crisis, Incredible India, The great indian dream,
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