Disclaimer: This post has nothing to do with the John Abraham & Nana Patekar starrer movie Taxi No. 9211. If that makes you feel good, continue reading below. If it does not, still continue reading, might just help you increase your current affairs knowledge!
It is so amazing, how our political leaders come out with such fantastic rules and policies which makes you feel as if you are not living in/a part of the biggest functioning democracy in the world, but rather part of a country which has the most ridiculous form of governance.
Ruling government of the state of Maharashtra, the Congress-NCP led government has come up with an insane ruling, that new taxi licenses in Mumbai, would be given to individuals who are well versed in Marathi (read, write, and speak) and who have also resided in the city for atleast 15 years. This decision was taken under the leadership of CM Ashok Chavan in a meeting, which did not have a single representative, from the Bombay Taximen Association, the oldest in the city, looking at the interests of the taxi drivers. Imagine, you take an important decision about cricketers, and having not a single cricketer in that meeting, to give his point of view. Strange enough, but true.
Obviously, this ruling would almost put an end to the migration of individuals from the rest of the country whom used to come Mumbai to become a taxi driver, especially from the states of UP and Bihar. This dirty politics just to garner votes of the Marathi people was earlier brought to light by the self proclaimed youth icon, and sole benefactor of the Marathi population, Raj Thackeray. The Congress-NCP, has done nothing, but just followed the steps of Raj, just in a non-violent way.
One will not be surprised, if in the near future, professionals from all around the country would also be stopped to work in private organisations in the city of dreams, Mumbai. However impossible that may sound, but this ideology of these shallow thinking political leaders could make that true as well. And why just private companies, students from the rest of the country and world shall be stopped to get admission into Mumbai University, and so on...
It is annoying to see that the same tactics which were earlier used by the Britishers to rule over India, Divide and Rule, is being used by our modern day political leaders to only garner votes, and to further divide the civil society of the already divided junta of our motherland.
Shiv Sena, recently made statement against Australian Cricketers, that they would not be allowed to play in India, since Australians were ill-treating Indians living down under. The irony is, the same party and their likes such as Raj Thackeray, would forget their preachings to the Australians when they beat and kill non-marathi Indians for living in Mumbai, and taking up jobs in Mumbai.
Sadly, the message from the leadership of the City Of Dreams is loud and clear,either be Marathi, otherwise Nau Dou Gyaara (9211) Hojaaao. (Be Marathi, or simply go away)
Sidharth Mehta,
Dubai, UAE
Key Tags - Mumbai, Mumbai Taxi Permit, Mumbai Taxi Drivers Controversy, Marathi Manoos, CM Ashok Chavan, Raj Thackeray, Shiv Sena, Moral Policing, Divide & Rule, Political Crap, Maharashtra Crisis, The Great Indian Nightmare, Incredible India, Incredible Maharashtra, Identity Crysys, Full Start., Sidharth Mehta
Yes I support CM and not only Taxis all professions should be only for Marathi.
ReplyDeleteI demand Caste reservation should be implemented in private sector(it is already clause of caste reservation is only for Domecile Candidate).
And parallel Domecile reservation should be there for Open category.
For that state government should establish a special department to control all recruitment's
and ensures it will be only for Marathi.
Also there will be the provision of Penalty for violating it.
Well, Akshay, it seems you are one extreme hardcore Marathi. There is nothing wrong in that, and you should be a proud Marathi for sure.
ReplyDeleteThe only difference between people like you and people like me is that you are a Proud Marathi first and then a proud Indian, whereas, I am a proud Indian first and then may be a proud Rajasthani!
I think, with an ideology of your's and the likes of your's it wont be long enough, when Maharashtrian's would demand for a separate country all together, independent of the Indian republic state.
Dear Sidharth
ReplyDeleteFirstly i clear that I am Indian First.
1) If any part or a state of India Develop means India develop.
2)what happen in Singur, local farmers opposes
Tata's plant,because farmers can not work in Automobile Company .If they dont oppose it
After some year Probabily Singur will Automobile Hub but then what localise were gone.
3)Maharashtra is Most Industralised State and
lot much of local people sacrifices for that.
Hence if we demand job what wrong in that.
4)Simple example Dadasaheb Phalke was first indian who starts Indian Film Industry.
But now who remember him ,jut one award is not enough na. All media talking about Kapoor, Bacchan Khan etc.
5)Reservation in private sector is also important issue in present condition.Backword class people now get an opportunities in goverment sector.
But now in privatisation how could a Backword class candidate get job.
6)This demand is not new, from many years Private sector reservation is a issue.no one can guaranty a impartial recruitment in private sector.
But besides all issue no doubt
I am Indian I proud to be an Indian.
I am Indian first.
But I also proud to be an Maratthi.
Thanks for the clarification on being an Indian first and then a Marathi. Feels nice to hear that.
ReplyDeleteStill, I do not think your ideology would help India, as a whole. Today, Maharashtra is doing this, tomorrow, other states would start it as well, and may be stop Marathi's or any other state people to work in their own state.
Forget the state nationalism, what you are proposing will hamper talent mobility. If talent mobility is a problem in future in Maharashtra, investment into the state from private investors/multinational companies/big national companies, will stop; and rather go northwards to the state of gujarat which on the other hand has policies to welcome anyone.
Sidharth you are welcome!
ReplyDeleteI have to say something. Our countrys biggest problem is now population hence govt try to reduce rate of growth of population.
But What about artificial growth(migrants).
A state have an limitated resources,if todays population of Maharashtra is 13 cores means govt have provide services to them, job for them, though natural growth of population not much incresed.Migrants are making problem na?
If anyone comes in Delhi or Mumbai or Chennai comes and pay for a flat,car,electricity,water,but ultimately that person increases consumption of space,water,electricity hence shortage of thing happen.
Presently it is experienced by Delhi for Common Wealth Games. What happens when lot of people comes at a place and local infrastructure dont support it. Though Delhi have Metro but traffic problem is same.
Not only in Mumbai but in Pune Thane Nashik Nagpur Aurangabad same problem happens.Muncipal Corporations are aquiring Dams for Water supply.
That dams were constructed for Farmers but now they dont have use.
Then please explain what is the mistakes of Common Marathi People.
Graetest Example Lavasa project is going in Pune for that acres of land taken. but who will be resident there ,justNon Marathi Millionaire.
where will the original residents go.
Today we are discussing development of Place not development of people.
Pune develops mean what?If some millionaire and multimillionaire come there and live .That not means People of Pune develop.
If meaning of development is development of place then we dont want such development
Same thing happens with Mumbai. Mumbai develops
but orignal Marathi Person gone outside .Then what is use .
This problem is political also due to migrants population in Mumbai-Thane belt increases much but rest maharashtras population increases natuarally.
Hence no of seats of Lokabha increses in Mumbai Thane area but reduced in other area.First in Vidarbha 66 assembly seats available but now it reduced to 60only.
Who is responsible that most backword areas political representation reduced.
Means migrants not only influences Metros but also rural area also.
Last if we have brothers and sisters we will fight for a chocolate.But we will also love each other lot much.Because we have same Mother.
Hence Regionalism is truth but all Indians love each other.
You said companies will go in other states like Gujrat. I will definately happy.
Because not only Maharashtra but Gujrat Rajasthan Bihar all should develop and contribute in nations progress.
Akshay, I am guessing you are in Nagpur.
ReplyDeleteYou have spoken repeatedly about Millionaires. To be honest, there are plenty of Marathi's as well who are crorepati's and millionaires. In our country or rather anywhere in the world, there is no ban or stoppage on anyone to start a business and grow his wealth.
Traditionally, Gujarati's and Marwari's have been business families in India, but now we see development and entrepreneurs coming up in every corner of our country. Proof enough of development all over our country. Obviously you cant compare the growth in our country with that of say China.
If you talk about municipalities or the government sector in Maharashtra, the majority is Marathi's. If you talk about Lavasa, the main person behind it is Mr. Sharad Pawar, another Marathi, who almost owns 5-10% (unofficial info) of Maharashtra's land. He is free to employ anyone he wants.
A country or state grows the maximum with free mobility of talent. Be it in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan or Kerala. Obviously, there could be some quota, but to put it acorss in the way the MNS or Shiv Sena puts it, thats almost like saying 'kindly get out of our state'.
ReplyDeleteDont guess I am from Yavatmaal Near Nagpur
If you want i will give my complete adress.
what happens you are not published my last comment?
I waited for last days for it .
But you not publish my comment
I think you dont have answers to me.
Now my BE university Exam will start
Hence i will not able to use NET.
by the way I like your blog
please keep writing.
Though we have different Ideology
I appreciate your other articles.
Hi akshay,
ReplyDeleteNo, I have published all the comments which I got from you. Thanks for the kind words about the other articles.
Can you send/write your comment again? I will publish it as I get it.
ReplyDeleteThat's my point our Marathi Leaders are not honest with us.Whichever CM or Leader comes in power specially in case of congress , only because of Congress's High-command.Hence it is important to them to show how they are not Marathi Supporter because there party can loose in hindi belt.
In this Taxi point also Ashok Chavan also reversed his stand in next day also.
Why ? Because of Media hype he afraid that high Command will remove him from CM post.
What it means to secure his CM post he destroys opportunities of thousands of Marathi youth.
Same with Lavasa project to earn money and maintain national leader position Mr Sharad Pawar will against marathi people.
See Narendra Modi, Mayawati, Raman Singh, Karunaanidhi etc these leader maintain there and there States dignity.
Hence when first time Maharashtra CM takes our side I feel Marathi people got pride and some hopes
Hence i congratulate them .But...........he also looses marathi peoples hopes.
Thats the reason in Maharashtra politics there is always a position for attacking leader firstly it was Balasaheb now Raj Thackeray.
And it will continue in future also.
Why they dont get majority is "Caste Politics issue".
In Bihar ellections congress blames that Nitish Government is failed hence people of Bihar are going outside.There less engineering colleges hence students go outside.
what it means your point was wrong that all parts of our country is developed.
Thats my issue also if all 600 districts have Engineering colleges Medical colleges why people will go outside.
All 600 districts should be self commercially developed so that our country will progress.